“Overall so far, I lost 25 pounds in about 2 months training with Daniel. He is truly the motivational trainer I was looking for.”
I have worked out and been involved in sports since I picked up my first T-ball bat at 4 years old. A day doesn't go by that I am not active whether playing some sport, walking /running with the dog or working out.
Even though I am an active person I have found that since I have reached a certain age (dam those hormones) I am having a bit more difficult time managing my weight . I started doing private kick-boxing and circuit work outs twice to three times a week with Daniel and I love it.
This incredibly intense work out not only helps me burn some extra calories which makes it easier to manage a healthy weight, but is one of the best stress relievers I’ve found.
One of the things that I really like about Daniel is that he trains me like I am going to step into the ring (even though I never will) .
On the days that I don't meet with Daniel, I follow an online training program he has set up for me and that I access on my phone.
Overall so far, I lost 25 pounds in about 2 months training with Daniel. He is truly the motivational trainer I was looking for.